We help you…
Articulate your mission.
Fund your work.
Evaluate your impact.
Strategic Planning.
An effective, well-designed strategic plan can help your organization establish an effective course of action and keep all stakeholders accountable for progress. We will collaborate with you to create and/or update strategic plans to provide direction and focus for all board and staff members, whether for your entire organization or for a specific program. The plans we create together will serve as a road map to success and help ensure stakeholders have a common understanding of not only your goals and strategies but also their own role in implementing the plan.
Program Development.
The most effective programs are not only designed to address specific, identified community needs but also are driven by ambitious and achievable goals and objectives, and employ evidence-based strategies. As your partner in program design, we will help develop program strategies that lead to real impact in the community.
Resource Development.
A solid foundation of resources helps ensure that organizations can serve the community fully, effectively, and without interruption. We will help your organization foster relationships with individuals and organizations throughout the community who can provide resources to support your mission, including research, strategic thinking about approaches, creating “talking point” documents, and writing grant applications to foundations, corporations, and government agencies.
We create and implement well-designed evaluation plans so our clients understand whether their organizational systems are working efficiently, whether services are having the desired impact, and which services or strategies are most effective. Evaluations will help you demonstrate that your organization has used resources effectively to provide tangible benefits to intended service recipients. They also help you make effective management decisions regarding service delivery, respond to changes that may have happened during the course of a project or program, and continually improve services to best meet the needs of the community.
Education, Training, and Professional Development.
We can provide your organization with education, training, and professional development to build your capacity in each of the areas in which we offer services and expertise. We can help your board and/or staff learn to conduct prospect research, engage in best-practice research, write successful funding proposals and reports, and create easy-to-administer assessment tools to help keep your organization on track for success.