Mission360 Consulting, LLC
Mission360 Consulting, LLC is a client-centered consulting firm that provides strategic planning, resource development, and evaluation services for schools and school districts, not-for-profit organizations, government service agencies, and institutions of higher education across the country. Our area of passion is collaborating with organizations that focus on equity and social justice to help them implement their missions more effectively.
Our expertise and guidance will help your organization:
Develop language
to create a shared understanding of your community's needs, resources, and barriers to guide your work.
Establish meaningful, measurable goals and objectives
that reflect your community's definition of success and help your organization remain accountable for progress.
Identify and articulate effective strategies
that are likely to lead to the change you seek to make.
Identify potential sources of funding, partnership, and in-kind support
and develop strategies, language, and tools to secure support from institutions and individuals.